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해외시장 개척 (Oversea Business)


해외시장 개척


청하식품은 설립 초기 일본, 러시아 수출을 시작으로 해외시장 개척의 길을 끊임없이 진행하였습니다.  그 결과 <중국 유가공 수출 공장등록>, <중국 수산물 수출 공장등록>으로 중국 진출의 발판을 마련했으며 중국 Yili Group (중국 유제품 대표업체)과 MOU 체결(2016년) 등 중국 전역과 미주시장, 홍콩 등 글로벌 시장으로 넓혀가고 있습니다. 


Oversea Business

Chongha started exporting our products to Japan and Russia at the beginning of establishment. Since then, we have been constantly striving to enter overseas markets. As a result, it is registered as a factory for exporting dairy products and aquatic products in China, and signed an MOU with 'Yili Group’ in 2016. Now, we are expanding our business to China, USA and Hong Kong.